Communication Facilitator and Educator

Specializing in divorce and separation adjustment for individuals, children and families in transition


Parenting Coordination Referral Process Child Specialist

Parenting Plan

Relationship Coach

Conflict Screening




Judy has worked directly with children of varying ages for over 25 years both as an educator and as a counsellor. She has case managed children with Asperger’s , Tourettes, FASD,  attachment disorders, ADD/ADHD, and those on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has developed Individualized Education Plans, Behaviour Intervention Plans and Multisystem treatment plans for children with profound emotional, behavioural disorders.... more

Parenting Plans  

As a Divorce Professional, Judy will design in collaboration with the parents, an individualized  Parenting Plan that provides scheduling options while considering a family’s background, circumstances, needs and preferences. Great care is taken to address the different developmental needs of the children... more

Referral Process

Either parent or their lawyer may request the services of a Parenting Coordinator. The parties can agree to retain a PC in their separation agreement. Then, once the PC has been agreed upon, both parties should contact her by e-mail indicating the need for her services along with the completed PC intake form...more

Child Specialist

 Judy has worked directly with children of varying ages for over 25 years both as an educator and as a counsellor. She has case managed  children with Asperger’s , Tourettes, FASD,  attachment disorders, ADD/ADHD, and those on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has developed Individualized Education Plans, Behaviour Intervention Plans and Multisystem treatment plans for children with profound emotional, behavioural disorders... more

Parenting Coordination

In high-conflict separations or divorces, parenting issues may arise with greater frequency that continue to bring parents back to Court for resolution. In order to assist parents with their parenting needs, Judy will act as a Parenting Coordinator for both parents and their children in order to protect  and sustain safe, healthy and meaningful parent-child relationships... more


When it is clear that a couple has decided to separate and divorce, the involvement of a trained mental health professional is of great importance in collaboratively working with individuals to develop the necessary skills to manage the crises of divorce in order to rebuild a positive and happy life moving forward... more

Why screen for Power Imbalances?

A cornerstone of the mediation and the arbitration process is the protection of self-determination. This simply means a parties’ ability to participate in the decision-making and to voluntarily determine the outcomes of their disputes. In order for this to happen fairly, each individual in the party must be screened... more


Contact Information: judy@baskerville.ca

Telephone: (204) 479-8296  FAX: (204) 895-2280
Office address: 82 Balmoral Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1X4